quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2008

Você ama o seu trabalho, ou só o salário

"AFTER 12 years climbing the corporate ladder to the upper reaches of middle management, I found myself facing a surprising career conundrum: My big paycheck was making me miserable. In short, I hated my job, but I was afraid to give up my hard-earned six-figure salary for what I really wanted: a career as an entrepreneur."

Pamela Skillings escreveu o texto "Do You Love the Job, or Just the Paycheck?" (acima), no NY Times. A moça estava infeliz no escritório e resolveu largar tudo por uma vida feliz. A experiência originou o livro “Escape from Corporate America: A Practical Guide to Creating the Career of Your Dreams”.

A conclusão é otimista:
"In the three years since, I’ve learned that I have the skills and drive to build a successful business, even in the face of challenges. More importantly, I’ve learned that finding a career that you love is well worth enduring a few sleepless nights and sacrificing a handbag or two."

Via Desculpe a Poeira

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