segunda-feira, 2 de junho de 2008

Festa da Firma Agora é no Secod Life

Foi-se o tempo em que a festa da firma era no refeitório (no caso das empresas menores) ou em um hotel no interior (no caso das maiores). Cresce o número de empresas que investem no mundo virtual para promover o encontro de seus empregados, seja para trabalhar ou simplesmente confraternizar.

"Sun Microsystems, which makes computer servers and software, owns seven islands in Second Life, two of which are open to the public. The rest are used for training sessions and meetings. During its biggest event, a 12-hour corporate meeting held in April, 14 of Santa Clara-based Sun's top executives hobnobbed with hundreds of employees. Alpine skiing, car racing, live jazz and a sandbox were also part of the event. ...

Sun decided to hold the event after it acquired software company MySQL, which tracks its corps of employees by the 110 airports they live near, rather than their actual locations. Sun was looking for a way to introduce the MySQL employees to their Sun colleagues, and Second Life seemed the best solution."

Via Mercury News

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