domingo, 1 de junho de 2008

Dez Tecnologias que Vão Mudar o Mundo

As dez tecnologias que segundo o Gartner Group vão mudar o mundo nos próximos cinco anos:
  1. Multicore and hybrid processors
  2. Virtualization and fabric computing
  3. Social networks and social software
  4. Cloud computing and cloud/Web platforms
  5. Web mashups
  6. User Interface
  7. Ubiquitous computing
  8. Contextual computing
  9. Augmented reality
  10. Semantics
“Social software provides a platform that encourages participation and feedback from employees and customers alike. The added value for businesses is being able to collect this feedback into a single point that reflects collective attitudes, which can help shape a business strategy”, disse David Cearley, da Gartner Group que acrescenta: "business IT applications will start to mirror the features found in popular consumer social software, such as Facebook and MySpace, as organisations look to improve employee collaboration and harness the community feedback of customers." (Leia o texto completo aqui)

Ou seja, agora você já tem uma boa desculpa para dar ao seu chefe se ele te pegar no Orkut, Facebook ou outras redes socias, afinal, é o futuro do mundo corporativo.

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